The Great and Graceful.
The Last White Rhino Male
I was extremely moved by the story and death of Sudan, the last White Rhino Male. The fact that a whole species is about to be extinct and gone forever is absolutely terrifying and awful, especially knowing that mankind is responsible.
Rhino poaching has dramatically increased over the past decade. Rhino horns, used in some Chinese medicines and crafts, are some of the most lucrative animal parts of the illegal wildlife market.
Sudan was the last male of his species, he died in Kenya at the age on 45, on March 30th 2018. He inspired me deeply to make a piece to remember him by, and inspired the founding of our "Green Guard" Collection.
When I started making this Rhino ring, I've had a vision of it, of its character, I wanted to emphasis its elegance, nobility, strength, and kindness.
This project was the hardest and most challenging to make, and I couldn't be happier with the final result.
- Time: Almost 2 months.
- Hardest part: Symmetry, Making him look more delicate than bulky.
- Fun part: Making the final touches and small details at the eyes, and horns.
More about Sudan
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